As the official Iron Labs Nutrition brand store, we are confident that no-one can offer a better deal on authentic ILN products than us. That is why we give an ironclad price guarantee - if you see any product you have ordered for a lower price within 1 month (31 days) of your order, we will refund the difference. That includes lower prices from our store including special deals, promotions and black friday sales. All we need to confirm is that it is an authentic product being sold by an authorised reseller, and we will process the refund.

To file your claim just fill out the quick form below and we will get it sorted for you.

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Terms & Conditions

PG1 - Claim must be filed within 31 days of delivery.
PG2 - You are entitled to use prices on our store as a lower price - e.g. if we run a sale, you can use the sale price to claim.
PG3 - There is a maximum of 3 claims per household per 12 month period.
PG4 - The lower price must be offered by an authorised Iron Labs Nutrition retailer who has bought stock through official channels
PG5 - Prices offered by second hand sellers, private individuals, unauthorised sellers, and similar, will not be valid for this guarantee